Background of the Course
Anyone trying to learn English will have realized that there are a plethora of resources out there aiming to help them with that goal. The quality of these resources varies from excellent to worthwhile to useless to downright harmful to your English skills. With all this available, you may wonder why we’re putting this resource out there – what do these lessons have to offer that others don’t?
Firstly, expertise. Bryan and Laura are both professional translators and language learners. Bryan is a native Korean speaker who learned English in school as his second language. After immigrating to Canada, he got advanced degrees (Th. M and Th. D) in Canada and is currently working as a freelance translator. He learned many other languages as well (German, French, Japanese, Greek, and Hebrew). Laura is a native English speaker who not only translates but also frequently edits translations done by non-native speakers, so she’s very familiar with the kinds of mistakes that they make. As a language learner herself (fluent in French, Spanish, and Korean), she understands how difficult it can be to learn a new language at an advanced level and how many small details you need to master before you can sound like a native speaker.
Secondly, as translators ourselves, we have written these guidelines specifically to help other translators, so they are targeted precisely to that audience.
Thirdly, while it isn’t especially difficult to write English at a basic level and be understood, it is quite difficult to write English well. This is something that even many native English speakers struggle with. Many English news articles you see online contain errors or are badly written. There are a lot of details that can be overlooked or that aren’t frequently taught, but that will immediately mark your translation as one written by a non-native speaker. We plan to write about some advanced concepts and aspects of English grammar that few other courses out there handle. As Bryan has learned all this himself and Laura has corrected it in many editing jobs, we know what translators struggle with and what stands out, and we’re in an excellent position to advise you on how to make your writing sound better.
Who Will Benefit From This Course
Any and all freelance translators whose native language isn’t English that want to improve the quality of their English translation.
Estimated Duration of Time Needed to Take This Course: 2~3 weeks
Course Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Commas
Lesson 3: Punctuation
Lesson 4: Articles
Lesson 5: Capitalization and Proper Nouns
Lesson 6: When to Use the Passive Voice
Lesson 7: Mistakes Your Spellchecker Might Miss
Lesson 8: Countable
Lesson 9: Dealing with Numbers in English
Lesson 10: British vs American vs Canadian vs Australian English
* Lesson 1 and Lesson 9 are available to everyone. You can view them without purchase.
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