Background of the Course
This is a course designed for translators whose native language isn’t English but must communicate in English.
A third of a translator’s work is communication. And 98% of that communication happens through email. Therefore, if you use email to accurately and effectively communicate, you can prevent various problems that stem from misunderstanding, form a stable and long-term relationship with your clients, and ultimately improve your productivity as a translator. However, writing English emails can be uncomfortable and burdensome for non-English natives who have received reading-oriented English education, even though they’re translators whose career is based on language. Or rather, it might even more burdensome because of that fact. This is because a single English email can clearly expose the writer’s English writing skills, level of cultural understanding, etc. This course was created from precisely that kind of background.
Who Will Benefit From This Course
- All non-English native translators who must write emails in English
- All translators who want to use email effectively and reduce mistakes
What You Can Accomplish by Taking This Course
- You will be able to understand the cultural differences in the hidden side of English emails.
- You will learn the strategies for using email effectively and be able to minimize commonly-made mistakes.
- You will be able to master key expressions for composing English emails through repetitive practice.
- You will be able to correct English expressions that many non-English native translators use incorrectly.
- You will be able to model how to respond to various situations a translator might face such as bidding, price negotiations, questions about translation work, etc. by looking at examples of actual emails used in those situations. In this way, those preparing to become translators can understand the flow of the actual translation business on a significant level through studying these real email exchanges.
Estimated Duration of Time Needed to Take This Course: 3 Weeks
Course Table of Contents
Lesson 1: The Excitement and Fear of Writing English Emails, Effective Email Communication Strategy
- The importance of email communication to a translator
- The difficulty of using English email for foreign language translators
- Effective email usage strategy based on the advantages and disadvantages of email
Lesson 2: Understanding the Cultural Differences of English Emails for Effective Communication
- Before writing an email
- Typical structure of an English email
- After writing an email
Lesson 3: Key Expressions for Easy English Email Composition
- Title
- When stating your business
- Various expressions that can be used in the body
Lesson 4: Commonly Misused Expressions
I’ve picked out and corrected expressions used in a translator’s work environment that can be easy to mess up especially for non-native English speakers
Lesson 5: Actual Examples of Email Exchanges in Various Situations a Translator Might Face
- Email examples for bidding / translation request
- Email examples for translation rate negotiation
- Email examples for sending and receiving files
- Email examples for questions / confirmation requests regarding the target translation file
- Email examples for deadline negotiations
- Email examples for translation payment inquiry
Course Preview
You may view the following lesson without purchasing the course:
Lesson 1: The Excitement and Fear of Writing English Emails, Effective Email Communication Strategy