라틴어 학습 노트 제19장


Bayeux Tapestry Carmina Burana 


19a Bayeux tapestry

노르망디 통치자 윌리엄(William)은 해롤드(Harold)를 지배하고 있습니다. 해롤드는 프랑스에서 윌리엄을 위해 싸워야 하고 바이유(Bayeux)에서 윌리엄에게 충성을 맹세함으로써 에드워드 참회왕이 사망하면 윌리엄에게 왕위를 주기로 합니다. 그러나 해롤드는 영국으로 돌아와 에드워드가 죽자 스스로 왕이 됩니다. 윌리엄은 배신당했다고 주장하며 영국을 침략합니다(1066).


hic의 뜻은 부사로서 ‘here’(대명사로는 ‘this’)이고, 태피스트리(tapestry) 위의 그림을 가리키고 있음에 유의하십시오.


노트해 두십시오. Bagias to Bayeux; sacrament-um oath; reversus est* (revertor) returned; Petr-us Peter; lect-us bed; alloquitur* (alloquor) addresses, speaks to; fideles (대격) the faithful; defunctus est  (defungor*) (he) died; miro 1v admire; aedifico 1v build; isti they, these (주격 pl, 단수는 iste); carr-us cart; navigi-um ship; Pevensae Pevensey; caball-us horse; de + 탈격 from or concerning; Hestinga to Hastings; rapio 3v rapere take; caro 3f (주격) meat; episcop-us bishop; pot-us drink; benedico 3v bless; dom-us house; iste he, that man (주격); nuntio 1v inform; alloquitur suis (소유형용사 suus의 격변화, 자신의) orders (speaks to) his . . .; viriliter bravely; sapienter wisely; qui (those) who. interficio 3v interfeci kill

* 이태 동사(deponent verb): 형태는 수동형이나 능동의 뜻을 지닌 동사


hic Willelm dedit Haroldo arma. hic Willelm venit Bagias, ubi Harold sacramentum fecit Willelmo duci. hic Harold dux reversus est ad Anglicam terram, et venit ad Edwardum regem. hic portatur corpus Edwardi regis ad ecclesiam Sancti Petri Apostoli. hic Eadwardus rex in lecto alloquitur fideles, et hic defunctus est. hic dederunt Haroldo coronam regis. hic residet Harold rex Anglorum. isti mirant stellam.



Here William gave arms to Harold. Here William came [to] Bayeux, where Harold took an oath to Duke William. Here Duke Harold returned to English territory, and came to King Edward. Here the person of King Edward is carried to the church of St Peter the Apostle. Here King Edward in bed addresses the faithful, and here he is dead. Here they gave Harold the king’s crown. Here sits Harold king of the English. These admire the star.


19b hic Willelm dux iussit naves (a)edificare. hic trahuntur naves ad mare. isti portant armas ad naves, et hic trahunt carrum cum vino et armis. hic Willelm dux in magno navigio (navigium 2n의 탈격) mare transivit et venit ad Pevensae. hic exeunt caballi de navibus (navis 3f의 탈격), et hic festinaverunt Hestinga ut cibum raperent (접속법 미완료). hic coquitur caro, et hic ministraverunt ministri. hic fecerunt prandium et hic episcopus cibum et potum benedicit . . .



Here William ordered [them] to build ships. Here ships are dragged to the sea. These carry arms to the ships, and here they pull a cart with wine and arms. Here Duke William crosses the sea in a great ship and comes to Pevensey. Here horses leave from the ship, and here they hurried [to] Hastings to get food. Here meat is cooked, and here servants served [it]. Here they made dinner and here the bishop blesses the food and drink . . .


19c hic nuntiatum est Willelmo de Haroldo. hic domus incenditur (incendo의 3인칭 passive). hic milites exierunt de Hestinga et venerunt ad pr(o)elium contra Haroldum regem. hic Willelm dux interrogat Vital si vidisset exercitum Haroldi. iste nuntiat Haroldum regem de exercitu Wilelmi ducis. hic Willelm dux alloquitur suis militibus ut praepararent se viriliter et sapienter ad pr(o)elium contra Anglorum exercitum . . . hic Franci pugnant et ceciderunt qui erant cum Haroldo. hic Harold rex interfectus est, et fuga verterunt (verto 3v turn) Angli.



Here it was announced (=an announcement was made) to William about Harold. Here a house is burned. Here soldiers departed from Hastings and came to battle against King Harold. Here Duke William asks Vital if he had seen the army of Harold. That man informs King Harold about the army of Duke William. Here Duke William orders his soldiers that they prepare themselves bravely and wisely for battle against the army of the English . . . here the French fight and [those] are killed who were with Harold. Here King Harold was killed, and the English turned in flight.


Carmina Burana


19d 이 228명의 학자 노래 모음집은 서기 13세기에 만들어졌으며 1803년 베네딕트보이에른(Beuern-Buranus)의 바바리안 수도원에서 발견되었습니다. 1937년에 Carl Orff가 그 일부로 노래를 지었습니다.

노래의 일반적인 주제는 연인이 자신의 변하지 않는 사랑을 사랑하는 이에게 확신시키는 데 어려움이 있다는 것입니다. 여기서 젊은이는 그의 사랑은 시공을 초월-진정으로 사랑하는 유일한 방법-한다고 말합니다.


노트해 두십시오. fideliter truly; fidem (대격) (good) faith; totaliter completely; presantialiter face to face (with you); remota remote (place); quisquis whoever; aliter any other way; rota wheel (즉, the wheel of torture).


ama me fideliter!

fidem meam nota!

de corde totaliter

et ex mente tota

sum presantialiter

absens in remota.

quisquis amat aliter

volvitur in rota.



Love me truly!

Note my faith!

From [my] heart completely

and from [my] whole mind

I am face-to-face (with you)

(though) absent in a remote [place].

Whoever loves in any other way

is turned on the wheel.

19e 여기서 어린 백조는 그의 운명을 슬퍼합니다. 한때 아름답고 자유롭게 살았지만 지금은 요리되어 저녁 반찬이 되었습니다.


노트해 두십시오. lacus (대격 pl) 4m lakes; colo 3v inhabit; exstit-i (exto 1v) I was; cign-us cygnet; ust-us (uro 3v) burnt, cooked; fortiter bravely, to a turn; (re)gir-o 1v (re)turn; garcifer (주격) chef; rog-us 2m fire, funeral pyre; ur-o burn, cook; propin-o 1n serve, drink a toast to; dapifer steward; scutell-a platter; iaceo lie; volito fly; nequeo I am unable; dens, dent-  3m tooth; frendens, frendent- (frendo 3v) gnashing.


olim lacus colueram,

olim pulcher exstiteram

dum cignus ego fueram.

miser! miser!

modo niger

et ustus fortiter!



Once I had inhabited lakes

once I had been beautiful

while I had been a cygnet.

Unhappy! Unhappy!

Now black

and done to a turn!


girat, regirat garcifer.

me rogus urit fortiter.

propinat me nunc dapifer.

miser! miser!

modo niger

et ustus fortiter!



The chef turns and re-turns [me]

The fire cooks me to a turn.

The steward now serves me.

Unhappy! Unhappy!

Now black

and done to a turn!


nunc in scutella iaceo

et volitare nequeo.

dentes frendentes video

miser! miser!

modo niger

et ustus fortiter!



Now on the dish I lie

and I cannot fly.

I see the gnashing teeth.

Unhappy! Unhappy!

Now black

and done to a turn!


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